I’m back! That’s right someone at Medium realized that rectangular device glued to our hands-that thing, turns out due to its mobility you can do wonders with it.
Original art work for the show bible. This and the title has been changed.
However for some bizarre reason either before or during the pandemic Medium got rid of the ability to post articles from my phone. So the only way to post was from a laptop or tablet connected to WiFi or when I got home to do it on my desktop. All of sudden it was 2009 all over again.
I emailed support to ask why this was done. No real reason was given. I was told there was data to support the decision to remove mobile posting.
I’m sure there’s data that says I should blow my head off with a .38 when I get a headache. Doubt I’ll try that. (You can get numbers to make anything look rational).
Anyway A LOT has happened with me since Mediums Luddite of an idea to remove mobile was reversed. The main thing I’m working on -no it’s not to make money on Medium-shocking. (Trust me I have a VERY easy well paid job that employed me throughout the pandemic with no issues at all. If anything I was overvalued -well the position was-due to the pandemic. That’s another story). I am a screenwriter, voice acting -fire life safety director (day job).
My pilot Lords of Brooklyn which got a serious rewrite during the height of Covid 19 has gotten a lot of heat. Once my boy, Ephriam Benton gave me the green light that the script was a banger he felt compelled to send it up the food chain.
He handed it to an iconic well known New York based actor. That actor was blown away. He also just happened to be involved in the world that the pilot takes place.
New York City residential real estate.
The show is set in modern New York and deals with the mess that the housing crisis is. Funny there’s been no shows and barely any movies covering this subject. “99 Homes” and “The Big Short” do delve in but it’s mostly about the 2008 financial crisis.
I’m talking about the whole thing. Gentrification, politics, tenants, natives and newcomers, mega developers, Robert Moses legacy, capitalism, red lining, block busting. Everything. Inspired by how The Wire covered the drug war -it then went into post industrialization, drug policy and rehabilitation, the school system, media and breifly in season 4 dealt with real estate via the “bandos” Chris and Snoop used to dumb their victims corpses.
The Wire wasn’t about the bad guy of the week or some by the book captain who won’t let the Sgt cook. That’s Lords of Brooklyn. I and the iconic Actor teamed up for a rewrite.
He barely changed anything I wrote. If anything he enhanced things. I’d say about 80–85% of the draft I gave him is still there after our rewrite.
As it stands now we are working to make this show a reality. We are in the embryo stages and I’m not counting on any of this to do anything.
I’m no one’s fool here. I’m currently working on a coming of age feature. The second pilot is already done. So I’m not counting on anything from Lords of Brooklyn at least in 2023. Given just the regular nature of how this goes is one thing.
Add a looming possible strike, the all of sudden fiscal responsibility the streamers thought didn’t apply to them now back in full effect. Who the hell knows what will happen here?
The show is set across New York unlike Succession we won’t live with just the 1%. We move around from the world of the laborers, city bureaucrats, vendors and contractors, and all of the unknown players involved in real estate.
But make no mistake it will be a high end & expensive show. I did like I’ve heard over and over-write want you want. Never mind the budget that’s not my goal. The goal is to show that I can write.
Ok I’ve gone on long enough. This was supposed to be and in and out post but yea I’m a writer-I like to write! Stayed tuned!
Ephraim Benton on the left and the “iconic New York Actor” I’m working with on the right.